Friday, December 13, 2013

How to Attach a file to an Email Notification in Zoho Creator


After adding your SendEmail function and constructing your message and particulars of the notification change your script builder to the Free Flow version as indicated in the top right section of your platform. Under the section Message: you will click enter to create a space and include the following line of code


attachments: to indicate you want to attach a file
file: to call the field type file
input.Name_file to indicate which file field you are referring to

You can add as many files as needed but will need to add a "," between each file. Hope it helps let me know if you have any issues.
Email Attachments

Monday, September 2, 2013

How to custom Style your Forms, VIews in Zoho Creator with the least amount of code

Hello everyone. The objective of this video is to show you how to easily customize the style of a form or a view, in Zoho Creator. So the first thing that you can do is go to This is my blog, where I keep updating information about handling Zoho Creator and I have already added some links to apps that are worth having, including the Zoho Creator Styles. You can also find this Zoho Creator Style app in the marketplace of Zoho Creator and this application was developed by Shrine. And once you install the app, if you go to your account, you will see it display as Zoho Creator Styles. So for the objective of this example, I'm going to show you how this application that I built uses Zoho Creator Styles. In here you can see that my buttons, the fields, the height of the fields, the length or the width, are obviously built within Zoho Creator, but if I wanted to change the background core when the user hovers over the button, I would have to go to each form or view inside my application and update the specific HTML parameter that refers back to the color. I mean, obviously if you have multiple forms in your application, this is gonna be quite a task, for example in this case there is another form that uses the same back ground color. So if I wanted to do this manually, it would take me a while. However, thanks to Zoho Creator Styles, you can now easily incorporate or change the style of your forms. So all you need to do is access your Zoho Creator Styles application, go to your styles, and obviously l have a theme already added here that it's Astro for the application that I just show you. So I'm going to go to the background, button background color, which is orange right now. Right? I'm going to change this one and let's put it in red, let's see what happens. So, notice that all I did here is change a record in this application. And now, if I go back to the application that I just showed you, you will see that the buttons in my application have been updated to red. So you see instead of having to go into every single form, just by changing one record in Zoho Creator Styles, I have achieved the updating the color for every single page in my application. Now, you probably are wondering how did I accomplish this? Obviously all the instructions that you need to know are explained in the Zoho Creator Styles application. But the very key, it's right here and I'll highlight it for you. On an HTML page when you drag forms or view into the page, you only need to include this little piece of code right after the Zoho Creator header parameter. And it refers first back to the application, Zoho Creator Styles and then the name of the function and then whether it calls a form or a view and then the name of your theme. Once that's it copy pasted in your application, every change that you do back in your form would be automatically updated. So, there you have it. Don't forget to check Creator Scripts for more information. And go download your Zoho Creator Style application, you'll enjoy it. Thank you.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to calculate the elapsed time between two Date-Time fields

I have found several functions, scripts and blogs providing different methods to calculate the elapsed time between two date-time fields. However, most of them are hard to understand or involve a higher coding of deluge scripting to obtain the desired result.

Below you will find a solution in 3 lines of code if the Dates belong to the same day

Hr=(input.End_Time.getHour()  -  input.Start_Time.getHour());
Min=(input.End_Time.getMinutes()  /  60  -  input.Start_Time.getMinutes()  /  60);
Elapsed=(Hr  +  Min);

Or 7 lines of code If the Dates vary in Days ...

if(input.Start_Time.getDayOfWeek()  ==  input.End_Time.getDayOfWeek())
Hr=(input.End_Time.getHour()  -  input.Start_Time.getHour());
Min=(input.End_Time.getMinutes()  /  60  -  input.Start_Time.getMinutes()  /  60);
Elapsed=(Hr  +  Min);
else if(input.Start_Time.getDayOfWeek()  <  input.End_Time.getDayOfWeek())
Hr=(input.End_Time.getHour()  -  input.Start_Time.getHour());
Min=(input.End_Time.getMinutes()  /  60  -  input.Start_Time.getMinutes()  /  60);
Day=((input.End_Time.getDayOfYear()  -  input.Start_Time.getDayOfYear())  *  24);
Elapsed=(Day  +  Hr  +  Min);

In the following link you will be able to test the script on a live and free application. Elapsed Time

You may locate the following code in the following places: On user input, On Add On Success, or On Edit On Success

Hope it helps....enjoy.

Friday, July 19, 2013

How to add an image to an HTML View ( page ) in Zoho Creator

If you are already exploring Zoho Creator ability to develop Html Views  ( now known as pages )
you are stepping into a powerful section of your application that will yield great results overtime.

With this in mind you will also need to understand how to incorporate Logos, Images into your pages so the "visual" effect of the application has a more human touch and assist the user to understand what the task in hand is.

Below you will see a sample on how to add a Logo into an HTML View using "Notes" Field. Go to the Form you would like to incorporate the Logo. In this example our "Page" hosts 2 views. View No.1 is Summary Invoice and View No. 2 Product View. Open your Summary Invoice Form and drag the "Add Note" field into the form.

Click Edit on the Note field & look for the Image icon on the top menu bar to upload your image.

Copy & paste the Image URL. 

In order to have a URL you must have uploaded your image to the company server or to a free service such as Flicker or Google  Drive. Click ok and Listo!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to decide if syncing Zoho Creator to GAPPS is a good business move?

Sometimes if you have built your basic communications operation around Google Interface it seems like a natural blend to incorporate you Zoho Creator application right into the heart of GAPPS. Think again!!!

There are 3 major points of interaction between Zoho Creator & GAPPS. The access, the data & the sharing. After living the frustration of a client of mine first hand and a month long of testing its functionality and performance we can confidently conclude the following.

First, there is no problem visible to the human eye that suggests there is something wrong with "accessing" Zoho Creator via GAPPS. Once installed in your GAPPS account you will see a link to Zoho Creator under the if you click will open the application smoothly and everyone is happy.

Second in line is: the "Data" that you can access inside Zoho Creator from GAPPS. There seems to be intermittent issues. For example.- if you have a field inside your forms to select users from GAPPS the options may magically disappear temporarily and after reloading & reloading they may reappear back.  If you are not a hard core user of your application you may be able to live with reloading and waiting every time this occurs, but if you run your daily operations in Zoho Creator this is an annoying losing time = money nightmare.

And last but not least the "Sharing". This is the most important of all!! Within Creator you have the ability to share your Forms and Views with individual GAPPS users or with Groups. If you select nothing but individual users everything seems to perform as expected, however if you select a Group within GAPPS the performance on your Zoho Creator application will slowdown 5 fold average. 

So unless Zoho or Google comes with a solution around Sharing Groups of users within an application resist the temptation to simplify sharing or suffer  a loss of 5x fold in performance. Your call.

For more details review this Zoho Forum note with more information regarding this possible performance issue related to GAPPS integration.