Showing posts with label Elapsed Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elapsed Time. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to calculate the elapsed time between two Date-Time fields

I have found several functions, scripts and blogs providing different methods to calculate the elapsed time between two date-time fields. However, most of them are hard to understand or involve a higher coding of deluge scripting to obtain the desired result.

Below you will find a solution in 3 lines of code if the Dates belong to the same day

Hr=(input.End_Time.getHour()  -  input.Start_Time.getHour());
Min=(input.End_Time.getMinutes()  /  60  -  input.Start_Time.getMinutes()  /  60);
Elapsed=(Hr  +  Min);

Or 7 lines of code If the Dates vary in Days ...

if(input.Start_Time.getDayOfWeek()  ==  input.End_Time.getDayOfWeek())
Hr=(input.End_Time.getHour()  -  input.Start_Time.getHour());
Min=(input.End_Time.getMinutes()  /  60  -  input.Start_Time.getMinutes()  /  60);
Elapsed=(Hr  +  Min);
else if(input.Start_Time.getDayOfWeek()  <  input.End_Time.getDayOfWeek())
Hr=(input.End_Time.getHour()  -  input.Start_Time.getHour());
Min=(input.End_Time.getMinutes()  /  60  -  input.Start_Time.getMinutes()  /  60);
Day=((input.End_Time.getDayOfYear()  -  input.Start_Time.getDayOfYear())  *  24);
Elapsed=(Day  +  Hr  +  Min);

In the following link you will be able to test the script on a live and free application. Elapsed Time

You may locate the following code in the following places: On user input, On Add On Success, or On Edit On Success

Hope it helps....enjoy.