Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to Round Numbers on .25 Increments in Zoho Creator

Sometimes you require a custom Rounding function to meet your needs. For example, you may very well want to track employee hours, but need to be consistent and round each decimal entries.

The script below allows you to round in increments of .25 so if you were entering hours each .25 = 15 minutes on the hour.

float Calculations.FrankUp(float Hours)
    HI = input.Hours.toLong();
    Gap = (input.Hours  -  HI).round(2);
    if ((Gap  <=  0.25)  &&  (Gap  >  0.0))
        return (HI  +  0.25).round(2);
    else if ((Gap  <=  0.5)  &&  (Gap  >  0.25))
        return (HI  +  0.5).round(2);
    else if ((Gap  <=  0.75)  &&  (Gap  >  0.5))
        return (HI  +  0.75).round(2);
    else if (Gap  >  0.75)
        return (HI  +  1.0).round(2);
    else if (Gap  ==  0)
        return (HI  +  0.0);
    return Gap;

Friday, February 28, 2014

One actionable step for a successful Zoho CRM setup

French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery   is a great reminder that often, less is more and the best thing to do when you start setting up your ZOHO CRM system is to ELIMINATE all the fields you are not going to use in each Module. 

Think hard about the fields that you really need and how you are going to use them. It will clear your head, your system & your business process. Good Luck & may the force be with you....

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Possible cause for GENERATEJS_TASK error

Are you getting this error message on your Zoho Creator application? If so, do not worry is easy fixable and most of the times its due to the lack of a referenced table data within the Form you are trying to update.

Most of the times the main cause for GENERATEJS_TASK error is caused when we are trying to open a Form using a function that delivers ID parameters to specific fields within the form. You can update a value on a dropdown but you can not reference that parameter to update a field within a subform or other table within the existing Form. You must first fetch the corresponding data before you can update subform fields.

Lets take a look at the below example. Assume you are working with Form A, which has Filed1, Field2 within Form A you have subform Aa & need to update Subfield1 & Subfield2.

Parameters will travel on your url ID & update Form A Fields1 & 2

// First Need to Fetch the corresponding table "On Add/On Load" section of your Form. 
T1 = Table1 [ID == input.Field1]; 
T2 = Table2 [ID == input.Field2]; 
//Now that you have the corresponding data you can update values within a subform.
SubformAa.subfield1 = T1.ID; SubfomrAa.subfield2 = T2.ID;

There are other events that can cause this error to break your app flow. however, this is in my experience the most common one I have seen. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to Merge my Zoho Creator Database to a PDF or WORD Document?

You have built a well rounded database in Zoho Creator. Data entry is a breeze and Reports are coming out of the system in a second, but are you really leveraging all its potential?

I will  assume you have given some thought about integrating your data into your business processes and take the automation "cloud" era into the next level. Not sure how to do it.

There are multiple ways to skin a cat. However, there are few options that allow you to do it with ease at a very low cost. Below you will find my recommendation to accomplish this task if the only thing you know about computers is "copy & paste" well maybe a little common sense?

I would say you have a good chance of succeeding.

Step 1. Open an account with itDuzzit. itDuzzit is the fastest way to synch data between cloud applications.

Step 2. Open an account with WebMerge. Webmerge automates your document assembly so you can forget about it.

Step 3. Follow the instructions on the link below and create a simple Zoho Creator to WebMerge integration.

And last but not least, if you do not have a Zoho Creator account yet get yours now. Open Account

If you need help we are always open to support your projects and take your business processes into the future. Keep us in the loop.

Friday, December 13, 2013

How to Attach a file to an Email Notification in Zoho Creator


After adding your SendEmail function and constructing your message and particulars of the notification change your script builder to the Free Flow version as indicated in the top right section of your platform. Under the section Message: you will click enter to create a space and include the following line of code


attachments: to indicate you want to attach a file
file: to call the field type file
input.Name_file to indicate which file field you are referring to

You can add as many files as needed but will need to add a "," between each file. Hope it helps let me know if you have any issues.
Email Attachments